Kanban Change Management Principles


First question which comes to our mind when talking about Kanban is what is Kanban and whether Kanban training important? Kanban is a method that enables you to transform your organisation through purposeful and insightful evolutionary change. Kanban method is designed for managing and improving knowledge and creative work.

When we work with physical goods, it is easy to see how work is flowing and where work is waiting for service this is not possible in knowledge work. Kanban method uses visual tokens to represent work items and creates a virtual kanban system which makes the invisible work visible.

Kanban method uses work in progress as an enabling constraint to create a pull system of work and enables better management of the work with improved service delivery.

Kanban’s service delivery lens helps you improve your service delivery and evolve your current ways of working.

  • Start with what you do now
    • Understand the current precesses as actually practiced
    • Respect the current roles and job titles
  • Agree to evolutionary change
  • Encourage acts of leadership at every level
    • From individual contributors to managers

Traditional approaches to change assume a deterministic manageable change from where you are to a defined future state that is designed upfront. Kanban method uses an evolutionary approach to change.

Change that threatens individual’s status, role or position within the organisation causes resistance and is more likely to fail.

Kanban’s approach to change is designed to minimise resistance to change through respecting people’s roles responsibilities and job titles, their identity,  and understanding the current ways of working as actually practised. Understanding the current system delivery capability and evolving the system of work a little everyday through visualisation of the work and its workflow and systematically tackling the sources of delay.



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Kanban Service Delivery Principles

Kanban Management Professional 

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 Are you looking to adopt Agile ways of working? If so, SAFe, Scrum and Kanban could be the perfect solution for you. For expert guidance to successfully adopt and implement SAFem Scrum or Kanban, Value Glide is here to help. Our team has the skills and experience to ensure your Agile adoption is seamless and successful.

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